Saturday, June 15, 2013

"Now You See Me" Review

It isn't quite a rare occasion for a film's plot twist to surprise me. There have been several occasions where a movie will go somewhere I never thought it would go. Most of the time, however, I can see it coming from a mile away.

In the case of Now You See Me...I never saw it coming. Nor did I expect a true, unexpected twist to come from a movie like this. Yet, even though I was left a bit blindsided by the film's ending, I have a hard time finding it believable.

Film Summary: A group of magicians, known as the Four Horsemen, are brought together by an anonymous force to become an over-night sensation. The reason for their popularity? Their final trick includes miraculously robbing a bank and giving the stolen money to their audience members. As the FBI tries to investigate the actions of the criminal vigilantes, they struggle to determine what is really magic and what is simply illusion.

There isn't a whole lot I have to say about Now You See Me, unfortunately. It proved to be a well-developed and entertaining mystery. And it was in no way a bad film. The only qualms I had with it was the prepare for some SPOILERS.

I will not give away who is the true leader of the Four Horsemen, because I do not want anyone who hasn't seen the movie to be stripped of the opportunity to have their mind blown. Looking back towards the rising actions of the film, it is obvious to point out clues that lead to who is behind the robberies, but when that person steps forward to reveal himself, my jaw hit the floor. However, as much of a shock as it was, it soon became clear that the mystery magician's plan was way to complicated for anyone's good. Their plan almost reminds me of the problems critics had with the plot-holes surrounding The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. Yes, the characters had thought up brilliant, complicated, and well thought-out ways of getting what they want. Yet, when it came to the reality of the length of time it must have taken and the things that certain character had to put themselves through in order to accomplish that task, it leaves audience members unwilling to believe what had just unfolded before them. What if a certain piece in the game had chosen a different path, or if some crucial element failed to deliver? With such a time-consuming, elaborate plan, the shock of the movie's twist was swallowed by a sea of questions.

It was quite an intriguing ride that the movie delivered as the viewers joined the fictional detectives to figure out what was behind the Horsemen's tricks, and the acting/script/etc. were far from horrible. That being said, I can't say that it was a spectacular film. Besides the surprising (yet unbelievable) twist, many elements of the movie failed to stand out. In my opinion, Now You See Me will soon join the ranks of the forgettable gems; movies that are very enjoyable and fun to watch, but fall quickly into obscurity. I wouldn't be to surprised to find it premiering on cable television within the next couple of years.

FINAL VERDICT: It's worse seeing, but either wait to rent it or catch a matinee

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